19 July 2010

MMAM - Vol. 3

With the release of Inception this past weekend, I thought it fitting to present a segment of Hans Zimmer's Oscar-worthy score.

Not much needs to be said. A lot of folks have seen the movie, they recognize the genius of Christopher Nolan and Hans Zimmer. Especially in Nolan movies, audiences can't help but become immersed in the music. More often than not, audiences just don't care about the music as much as the movie itself. It's the movie that receives the kudos, that receives the Facebook lovin' and recommendations, but with Inception, I have a giant grin on my face when folks mention the music. Hans Zimmer's masterpiece demands to be heard, demands to be acknowledged. And it does, so I'm very, very happy indeed.

The following track, the third in the CD, caries themes and tunes that are repeated throughout the piece. In fact, it could be called the quintessential Inception track - it epitomizes basically everything about the movie. The beauty, the extreme down-to-the-wireness of it all. Give it a listen, and buy the soundtrack.

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